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4/4/2012 09:07:08 am

I think Mary Surratt is guilty. She is guilty because i think as a mother she would know what her child is doing. I say that because her son John jr. was close friends with John Wilkes Booth. Also i think she was guilty because its not hard to find items in your own house. Also she had to take a package for Booth and i dont think she didnt want to take a look inside. Lastly i think she is guilty because womens intuition are very strong so she had to think there was something suspicious going on.

Kiyanna Jackson
4/4/2012 11:01:39 am

I believe that Mary Surratt,is guilty.I am not saying she committed any crimes,but she is guilty by association.She was still present when all the events occurred..Mary knew that John Wilkes Booth and his friends were associating with her son.He came to their house alot.She should have known something was suspicious if a man repeatedly kept coming.I believe the daughter Anna was involved in the fishy conversations with Booth and associates.I think Mary did not deserve to be hanged, because she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.She should have just been let free. I refuse to believe a woman especially a Catholic woman could be capable of committing any serious items with Booth.I think she may have talked some negative items about Lincoln and may have said she was going to do something.I don't think a woman like her would have that kind of life in her.I think if she had the right jury and one judge she would have been set free.I think her being hanged was unfair.She never got to defend herself.I think she could have proved that she just knew of these happenings.I think she should have told authorities.She knew of the happening,but remained silent.

Truthfully Yours,
Kiyanna R.Jackson

Talia Curry
4/5/2012 10:59:01 pm

I think that Mary Surratt was innocent. I think she was innocent because they threw a whole bunch of people in jail for no reason and she could have been one of them. I also think she is innocent because their was no real solid proof and she could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Plus she wouldn't have known because women went allowed to just ask what were men doing. However at the same time she own slaves so if she was apart of it there still wouldn't be any proof. Either way they were wrong to hang her without any effidents.

Amaya Harkley
4/8/2012 10:41:45 am

What do I think of Mary Surratts. I think she is innocent. Mary Surratts did not know that the box was there. Mary Surratts did not know that John Wilkes Booth was on the run. It was not fair that on the jury their where only Union people on it. Mary Surratts should not have gotten hanged for John Wilkes Booth mistakes.

Wy'Kia Frelot
4/8/2012 12:08:52 pm

I think she is innocent. Because? You may ask. She blindly helped John Wilkes Booth. Mary had to know something or why would she have so many people at her house for no reason. But she didn't actually mean to help. It's not like she held the BB gun, and shot the President. Her son should be hanged . This issue I have thought about for a while. I'm kinda hanged (honged) about this. She had to know something, just not what was in the package that she gave to Booth. That is why she is innocent.

Jasmine Dantzler
4/9/2012 11:29:29 am

think Mary Surrat is innocent physically but guilty mentaly. Mary Surrat physically didn't kill Abraham Lincoln. She physically didn't buy guns to kill all the senate and President. She physically didn't collect the confederate mail and ship it to other confederate soldiers. On the other hand, the guns were hidden in Mary Surrat's house. The Confederate mail was shipped to and from her house. John Wilkes Booth came back to Mary Surrats house. Even though Mary Surrats didn't do the dirty work, she had to have known what was going on under her roof. If she didn't, she needs help.

4/17/2012 07:25:23 am

I think she was gulity. She helped Booth. That's why she gulity. In sense of helping Booth she was hanged.

4/9/2012 01:40:02 pm

Ithink Marry Surrats was innocent. She wasn't the one to talk to john wilkes booth it was john jr. How do we know that wilkes told her that there were guns in the box. Because the women weren't aloud in the bar in the bar. Thats when they thought about the assasanation of president Lincoln. So Mary surrats might have been a pro-confederate but that doesn't mean she would something like that. She didn't even try to kill someone. But suddenly they want to put women to death that sound a little suspicious.

Jada Danner
4/10/2012 02:42:10 am

I think that Mary Surrat was guility. I think she is guility because I think she would have known about the guns in the basement. Mary Surrat had negative remarks about Abraham Lincoln. I think she knew something was going on but she stayed quiet. I think she was only innocent when John Wilkes Booth gave her a package. I still think she is guility because it is her house and she should know what is going on. that is why I think Mary Surrat is guility.

Nicole Greenhill
4/10/2012 01:15:40 pm

I think Mary Surratt is guilty, because she had to know something. Everything did happen in her house. She knew that her son John Jr. was a friend of John Wilkes Booth. She told john to get the guns ready for the Civil War. She didn't even put John Wilkes Booth on trial for assassinating President Lincoln. She needed to be hong for all those things that were happening.

4/11/2012 03:33:50 am

I think that Marry Surratt was innoocent , because she didn't do anything. Also she didn't know that Booth and his friends killed the three important people of the goverment. And when Marry Surratt and John Wilkes Booth house Marry want to go on the other side of the house. Because she don't won't to hear what the men talk.But that does not mean that she know what thier talking about.That is why Marry Surratt was innocent.

4/12/2012 12:25:16 am

I belive that Mary Surratt was very much so guitly. I think she is guitly because she knew that about alot items that were going on and most likely if you know about it your in it. Also that she was leaveing packages and delivering them which made it obvious! She was apart of the south which also made it obvious.Her son played a huge role in helping out the south. She most likely knew what was in the package that was delivered to John Wilkes Booth. Thats why I think she is guitly

4/13/2012 02:30:14 am

Marry Surratt was innocent because she had nothing to do with the assassination of Precident Lincoln. But people had made a mistake by haging her.It prove that Marry Surratt is innocent because she move to the other room ,because it was rude that a lady to interupwhen the men was talking.And she didn't know John Wilkes Booth killed the president.But people had mistaken that she was aprat of that assassination.This why Marry Surratt was innocent.

4/13/2012 05:04:17 am

I think Mary Surratt was guilty. I think that because I feel her son plays a part in it because he was close to John Wilkes Booth. And she might have known about Lincolns death and a man was on the run for killing him. Mrs.Surratt knew something was wrong when officers threatend to burn her barn down.

4/14/2012 03:04:26 am

I think Mary Surratt is guilty because one she didn't like president Lincoln. Two she was a Confederate. Three she had to have known that there were guns in the basement.You really mean to tell me that you do't know what is in your own house.Also that she had know clue who goes in and out of her house. Without checking that's really dumb. Even though I don't think she knew about the killing of president Lincoln, she had to know about the kidnapping.That's why I think she was guilty.

Yours Truly,
Jordyn Young

Jacqueline Gavin
4/14/2012 12:49:45 pm

I think that Mary Surratt is guilty. I think that she was helping John Wilkes Boothe plan Lincoln's death (assassination). She also didn't like President Lincoln. Plus, if a guy kept coming to my house, somethings fishy. She had to be curious.I think she knew what was going on. If you know something and you know its wrong and you dont say anything you are just as guilty as everybody else. This is why I think Mary Surratt is guilty.

4/15/2012 06:54:37 am

I think that Mary Surratt was guilty. I think this because she knew that her son John jr. believed in the Confederacy. It was her house and i don't think she would be blinded so much to where she couldn't see the situation that was occuring. She knew that the Confederates came to her house. She also knew that her son was friends with John Wilkes Booth. I think she knew what her son was doing, but i don't think she was actually involved or did anything. I just think that she knew but she was keeping it a secret to protect her son. I feel like she should of talked to her son and she should of been careful of who she let in her home.

4/16/2012 01:58:20 am

I think Marry Surratt was innocent. I think she was innocent because she didnt help with the assasination of Abraham Linclon. Marry moved to D.C. So how was she suppose to know that there were guns in her other house. even if marry had somthing to do with the assination she couldt try to stop John Wilks Booth because she lived in d.c. They should have let Marry Surratt go.

4/16/2012 10:08:20 am

I believe Mary Surratt is both innocent and guilty. Why? She is innocent because she didn't know because she was not allowed where the men were so she couldn't have known. Also she didn't know about the guns in her house. But, she did let the criminals who attempted to kill Abraham Lincoln including John Wilkes Booth. Also she didn't kill Abraham Lincoln. So I think she is guilty and innocent in different ways.

:) zayna:)
4/16/2012 10:27:31 am

I think she is guilty. Why you may ask for these reasons. First she let a man she didnt know into her home 3 times.Second She took a box from John Wilkes Booth who is the same guy who stayed 3 times. Third her son was involed how do you not know what your son is doing to me she should be charged for not paying any attention to her son.Lastly she took a gun and hide it in her house why would you do that . Mary Surratt is very much guilty.

4/16/2012 10:32:29 am

I think Mary Surratt was guitly. I also think she was guilty, but didn't know what she was doing. She did hide the guns for her son. She also hid them and did not know what they were for.The weird thing she never asked them why did they hide them in her house. I dont think she is fully guilty. I kinda feel sorry for Mary Surratt, because she died for hiding those guns for her son and his gang.

4/17/2012 07:05:59 am

I thing Mary Surratt gulty, because she was the person that john wilkes booth hide the guns in her house. she must of plan that with booth. she let confederate spies stay at her house. She was with her son when they were wating for booth after he shot lincoln. She gave the idea that they should take out the president,vice president secatary. So that they can vote for a new president .

Dorien Johnson
4/18/2012 06:41:20 am

I think Marry Surratt was innocent. She didn't kill Abraham Lincoln. She didn't kill the senate. She didn't know she had guns in her house. She didn't kill nobody or help anybody. She didn't know what John Wilkes Booth was doing. So she is innocent.

Malik Bellamy
4/20/2012 06:36:18 am

What I think about Marry Surrat. Marry surrat is guilty .She let them hide the guns in her house.Now I can see if she didnt know about them hiding the gun in her house and planning to kill the president.The horrible thing is she was the first woman to get hung.So my point is proven that mary is guilty

4/20/2012 06:51:55 am

I think that Mary Surratt was guilty. She helped John Wilkes Booth and his crew of people. She supplied them with weapons, and a place to stay. She didn't know about the assassination, but she still helped. She asked no questions about why she was hiding the guns or why they needed her help. Her son was also involved but yet she didn't ask him why. She let some Confederate spies stay at her house as well.

Colby Roy
4/20/2012 11:50:07 pm

I do not think Mary Surratt was guilty. The only item she did was helping John Wilkes Booth. She did not even know what he was talking about at her boardinghouse. they had no reason to kill her. there are other stories about her that says she is guilty but i do not believe them. She let J.W.B and his crew stay at her house but she did not know what was going on. Unfortunately, she was hanged by the government.


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    Write 1 PARAGRAPH about whether you think Mary Surratt was guilty or innocent. Remember...she was guilty of  conspiracy. State details. Due April 20th by 7pm.


    April 2012