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2/28/2012 06:44:18 am

If my parents give me $50 I'll wisely spend on objects I need.And I'll also save it for chruch,family & school.When my parents gave me $50 I use to spend it on ideas I don't need. But now I'll saved the $50 until I need to spend it.I will saved the $50 dollars because I have nothing to spend it on ,and I don't wasting my money.I don't why some of my freinds buy new expensive shoes and clothes. But I know I will not spend my money on stiup ideas.

3/2/2012 07:20:37 am

IF my parents gave 50$ what will do ? I'll give to charity. Then help parent with the bills. Then I will buy some new cloths. Maybe i'll buy a tv.Then give all to my church.

3/2/2012 07:25:52 am

If I was given 50$ I would give 10$ to charity and 10$ to the church. With the other thirty I would pay back 1$ I ow someone.with the 29$ I would buy myself fabric glue so I can start back with my arts and crafts. Then I would buy myself a book. With the rest of my money I would buy myself a bag for my GYM clothes so I won't have to worry to make sure my bag won't bust open. So that's what I would do with 50$.

3/8/2012 10:04:05 am

To be honest I would use about $12-13for school. I would save (since $37 would be left) 5 bucks. Now I have $32 I would save $12 FOR AN Ebook. $10 dollars for drawing/school supplies. And $10 I would save for next week or for extra. That's the honest thing I would do with $50.

Jordyn Young
3/2/2012 09:32:15 am

If I was given $50 dollars I would save most of it in a banking account.Then with the other money I would give it to church and spend it on important items such as books that I like. I wouldn't waist on items that are stupid. Buy some school supplies.Then save some money for a rainy day.You shouldn't waist your money you should think before you spend.

3/3/2012 04:25:04 am

hi everyone.
If my parents gave me $50 first i would give my tithes. I honestly would spend some of it on clothes and accesories. I would buy any school materials that i needed. For exapmle a pack of red pens, paper, notebooks, etc. I would save the rest and wait because if you waist all of your money on foolish items then one day you might need money, but you would be broke because you spent it all.

3/3/2012 06:27:30 am

If my mom gave me $50 I would first ask what is it for. Then i would go to the mall and buy what I want. Then if I have enough money left I would use it for school materials. But if the money is all for school then I would make sure I have all the pens and tablets I need. If I have money left then I would get something for my mom just to say thank you and I love you. after all of that ill probably have $3 left and ill give it to my mom.

3/3/2012 07:02:48 am

If I 50$ i would buy ..... I would go to Staples and get some colorful pens and pencils. I would get a new lunch box because I really need one. I would get some notebooks and get some fresh looseleaf .I would also buy a 5pack poster board kit . I would ask my mom if she can take me to the mall .While im there i would get some new socks and clothes. I would also buy some mints.I would give any left over to God . Thats what i would do if my parents gave me 50$.

3/4/2012 01:13:18 am

If my parents gave me 50$ I would put some of the money in the offering plate. I would also spend it on clothes,shoes,etc. I would spend some of it on school supplies such as looseleaf paper,notebooks,and red ,black,and blue pens. I would use it to tip somebody at a restaurant.I would buy supplies for my house. And whatever is left I would put it in the bank.

3/4/2012 01:41:58 am

If I received $50 from my parents I would use it to by more school items. Then I would by some toys for little kids who can't get any toys.I would also buy books so I will have a better vocabulary of words I have never used before. Then I will probably have a few dollars left and use some of it to by a video game. And I would just save the rest(if I had any left). The most important lesson is to never spend it all.

3/4/2012 05:28:54 am

If my mom gave me $50 I would, honestly spend it on useful items.
I would give at least $5 to the church, $20 dollars to my mom, and $15 for my necessary needs. I think I need to spend my money that I have more wisely because if I don't now then I probably won't in the future. The extra $10 would be for anything, like someone's birthday, an upcoming holiday, or maybe just something I wanted. If I didn't really want anything for that period of time then I would save it or put it in my bank account. I think everyone should be more careful with the money that is given to them because it WILL help you in the future.

3/4/2012 07:59:50 am

What i would do with $50 to tell the truth I would spend $40 of it on games.The other $10 I would put in church.

Colby Roy
3/4/2012 07:59:57 am

If My parents gave me some money I would put some of it in the offering. My other opportunity would be to buy a metal detector and try to hunt for some lost coins or treasure. if that were to happen, I would put some in the offering, donate it to the Smithsonian, put video cameras in classrooms, and save the rest for me. The reason I would do that is to bring me some profit from my starting point from $50. I will always have to donate some money to GOD because he brought me to this Earth and it is my responsibility to take care of this Earth. That is all I would do if my parents gave me $50.

Very respectfully, Colby Roy :>

Jada P JJP
3/4/2012 08:29:56 am

If my parents gave me $50 bucks I would actually give 10 percent to church.Also I would save it if I need utensils or if I want something. Also I would ask my parents to take me to a resturant,and then pay for my food even though they just cooked something.Finally I would go to the mall and by clothes and food.

3/4/2012 09:01:59 am

If I got 50$ from my parents. I would get some new clothes then save the rest of my money .

Amaya H
3/4/2012 08:33:50 pm

If I got 50 dollars from my parents. I would save it. I would probaly spend it on grocerys, house needs, my family. The last thing I would do is go bysomething uneccisary. Becuase I know that It is a bad ecconomy out in the world. So I need to save every dollar I get so when we really need the money noboby has to worry about it

Akere Simms
3/5/2012 07:22:54 am

If my parents gave me $50 I would spend it wisely, like if my mom or dad had a bill to pay I would give the money I had to them so that they could pay whatever they need to pay so that they would not have to use up all their money on the bills.Otherwise like some people would try and use their money to by the Jordan 3000s. Also if my parents gave $50 I would give some to the church for my tithes so that if the youths are going on a trip they could use the money that I gave them,and thats would I would do if my parents gave me $50

Jacqueline Gavin
3/5/2012 08:02:19 am

If my parents gave me $50 I would try to spend it wisely. I would probally go shopping . When I go shopping I will only spend $20. Off the top I would give $5 to my church. Now I have $25 left I would put half of that in the bank. Then the rest I would use to buy needed school supplies. Like folders, pencils, pens,etc.

Jasmine Dantzler
3/5/2012 08:03:19 am

If my parents gave me $50, honestly, I would spend it all for shopping. I would try and save some for school like 5-10 dollars. What I should do is give 20 to charity, 10 to chruch, and the rest saved for a rainy day.

3/5/2012 08:05:00 am

Hello fellow classmates

If My mom or dad gave me $50 dollars I would invest in it OFCOURSE. I dont like spending my money so I would make more money then take it out, and go shopping with some freinds and buy anything I want. I would buy any cutee clothes and anything else. Also most important gave 10% to the Lord.

3/5/2012 08:20:34 am

What would I do if I had $50? I would probably use it on some clothes and jewelry at the mall. I would also use it also on lunch for school. Also I would use it on some music for m iPod. Lastly I would also probably us it for videos. That is what I would do if my parents give me $50.

3/5/2012 09:54:44 am

If my parents gave me $50 I would first spend some of it on any school supplies that I needed. I would probably use only $10 of it for school supplies, $10 on clothes, jewelry, and electronics, and the $20 on community service, or to charity. The other $10 I would use to give to churches.

3/5/2012 11:39:13 am

If my parents gave me $50, I would give some to the church. I would also buy a pair of shoes. In addition, if I had anything left, I would put it in the bank.

3/6/2012 08:55:52 am

I would buy a binder. I would get some jeans. I would buy a fancy pen. When I say fancy pen I mean a pen that lights up or does something cool. I will pay my tithes. I will put hte rest in my wallet. I might put the rest in the bank.

3/7/2012 05:57:17 am

If my parents give me $50, I would put 10% of my money in church first. Then I will spend it on clothes and games. I will get pens for school and a new book bag. I will put the rest of my money in my wallet.

3/7/2012 07:48:56 am

If my parents gave me $50, I would first by some new shoes. Some new football gloves. I would also by a pack of pens. I would by some songs for my iPod. The rest of it will be in the bank. That is what I would do if I had $50.

3/7/2012 10:25:17 am

If my parents have given me $50 I'd give some to homeless people. If I still had some left I'd give some to other family members. Then I would give some to other church members. I also would buy some new clothes. I'd also help all parents pay their bills. The last thing I'd do would be buying new games.

3/8/2012 09:38:36 am

If my parents gave me 50 dollars what would. I would give 10 percent to the Lord for tithing. I would also go shopping at the mall for jewlry, but only spend 20 dollars and go to Claires or Pink Piggy. Then would use the rest of my money to either buy teddy bears for toddlers and clothes for the older kids.Thats what I would do with 50 dollars.

3/8/2012 09:43:13 am

If my parents gave me $50, first I would spend some on materials that I would need for school. Second, I would spend some on shoes and clothes. Third, I would give 10% to my church. Fourth, I would get some games. Fifth, if there was anything left, I would give it to my grandparents. As a result, that's what I would do if my parents gave me $50.

Jeremiah Miller
3/8/2012 09:49:47 am

If my parents gave me 50$ I buy some new shoes and clothes. I would donate 20% to charity. I would put 10% in church. To be honesty with you I would buy more games or a new phone. I would put some in my bank. I'll get my parents a gift. .I will get more shool suplies.

3/8/2012 12:48:49 pm

If my parents gave me $50 dollars, I would first go shopping, but set a limit for about $20 to $25. Then I would most likely to be advised by my parents to save it for a situation that I really need it. If that time doesn't come soon I would spend about $30 on other items needed or wanted for my other activities out of school. That would leave me with at least $10, and I would spend that on items I need like materials for school.

Brandon S.
3/9/2012 05:14:24 am

If my parents gave me 50 dollars I would save it until I get more. Then I would spend 10 dollars on my needs. If I had all my needs already, I would spend 20 dollars on some jeans, shirts, and underclotheing. Then I would save the rest for a situation that I need it for. If I have enough money to donate then I will donate it.

3/9/2012 07:39:43 am

If my parents gave me $50 dollars. I would honesty go crazy, i would waste about half of my money on useless items. But once that is over i usually have money left over so i would probadly use it at school to buy a drink and so on. What i should do is spend it more wisely on well helping homeless people get back on their feet with $20 but i would ask them to honestly use it to use it to help them get back on their feet. Also i would give my church about $10 more which is wrong( i should give more but trying to stay honest here). Then i would spend the remaining $20 on school items.

Mikayla Humes (Treasurer)
3/9/2012 07:49:12 am

Hello, If my parents gave me $50 I would first be kind of confused on why they would give me fifty bucks. Then, I would go shopping and spend 90% of it to get something I wanted for a while. I would probably save a little some for pizza and dress down days. As I think about it the last thing I would think about is offering for church and that is an awful habit. This question really got me thinking!

Sincerely, Your Treasurer
Mikayla Humes

jasmine Craig
3/9/2012 07:53:17 am

If I had 50 dollars I would:1.donate 10 dollars to the St.Judes hospital,2. I would save 10 dollars for my college education savings , 3.I would give Mrs.Pablo the dollar I owe from yesterday ,4.I would save 10 dollars and 5. I would go shopping at Arundel Mills and spend the 19 dollars that was left and that's what I would do if I had 50 dollars.

Jordan D
3/9/2012 07:55:29 am

If i were to recieve 50 dollars I would find ways to get more money. I would put it in a bank account until i need it. I would use it to maybe buy some hedge clippers or something and make a hedge clipping business to seemingly waste money on hedge clippers and make more money than I had before. I would save a lot of it for an emergency. I would buy a new, fancy pack of pens, not those cheap ones where half of the pack can't write at all. Whatever I have left over, who knows what i'll do.


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    Spending Habits....

    Due March 9th, at 7PM
    If your parents gave you $50, how would you spend it? 1 paragraph


    February 2012

